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tv   11 News Today  NBC  March 25, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> in the wake of a multimillion-dollar budget deficit, baltimore city is facing massive budget cuts. >> senate republicans for a victory in the health care reform debate. how long will last? >> is there a key to having a successful marriage? a study says it is just a matter of statistics. we will tell you there formula and we want to know what you think. that is ever watercooler question of the day. >> we will see some rain today, but will it carry over into the weekend? 11 news today starts right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> good morning. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> a check of the forecast. >> it is never too early to talk
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about the weekend. >> today is the weekend. if we all decide that it is, then it is. some cloud cover out there. samper took -- precipitation expected tomorrow. temperatures in the 40 pukey. we should make it to a high of 60 degrees -- 64 degrees. temperatures in the 40's. a look at the forecast for the weekend in a few moments. a us check the roads. >> -- let's check the roads. >> an accident in the city involving an mta bus downtown. watch out for that. the alternate is lombard street. we're looking good on the
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roadways. 12 minutes on the outer loop west side. 12 minutes on the inner loop. eight minutes on the beltway and the fort mchenry. 95 is moving well north and south from. that is the latest. back over to you. >> tough economic times call for tough economic decisions. that is reflected in the latest budget for baltimore city. >>no city department or agencies more details. >> the new budget was presented at the board estimates meeting. layoffs. it would come from within the police department. 91 to the fire department.
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seven firehouses would close under the new plan. there is a $120 million deficit. for fireworks at the inner harbor for the fourth of july and no money for the preakness parade. she says she does not like the new budget. she will present an alternate plan that will include what ways to raise revenue in the city. jack young has an idea. >> putting a tollbooth up at 83 or at the baltimore county line where they can share revenues on anyone coming into the state of maryland. >> i am not sure we have the legal authority to do that. the city cannot do a commuter tax in any way. one of the things we can't do is have a parking tax and make sure -- one of the things we can do is have a parking tax and make sure we can get everything out of it.
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>> coming up, some other ideas being floated around to generate new revenue in the city. wbal-tv. >> thanks. >> the house of delegates will the -- determine the fate ofmany voted to ban the devices. it would not apply to emergency circumstances. drivers could use handsfree devices. it could be a secondary offense if they were pulled over for a traffic violation which is primary. it has prompted spirited debate. >> it is about safety. >> i think we are giving up something with this law that we will not be able to get back. >>there is pending legislation banning watching tv while driving.
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the house committee will take up the proposal. . >> there could be several days before repairs are complete on the light rail in cockeysville after the crash. >> the driver of a tractor- trailer that collided with a cost the crash when he drove into the train's path. hospitalized with serious injuries. another delay in the trial of the twin brothers accused of setting fire to a pit bull last year. they were supposed to stand trial yesterday. it was on separate gun charges. they will put that trial on hold because of the father's case. determine his fate. they are waiting for his trial to conclude before going after the brothers. and dna has helped them save a case from years ago.
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a man faces charges of first- degree rape. a girl was walking home from a friend's house in 2003 when she was attacked. dna recently linked the man to the crime. he was taken into custody in wisconsin. >> republicans scored a success in health care reform last night. the fbi is investigating cases of vandalism. >> the new health care reform lot is continuing to stir up lots of controversy. this time it is generating death threats and acts of vandalism against supporters. >> democrats are being targeted because of their yes vote for president obama to reinforce the federal ban on abortion funding. he has a death threats and profanity-laced voicemail. offices of two female democratsthe fbi and capitol police mettop democrats said they are getting some protection. >> over 10.
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there were shattered by bricks into a pellet gun. >> the threats have been called reprehensible. they say that republicans are fuelling rage. sarah palin said do not retreat, reload. >> they have condoned putting hitler mustaches on pictures of president obama. >> just stand up and say this is wrong and we do not want you to do it. >> president obama hits to i want to win over skeptics of reform. senate backers have debate as they try to find fix's for the
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law. some student loan provisions may be stripped from the measure. the measure may have to go back for another vote. a house vote. 14 states are taking steps to fight health care reform. gov. martin o'malley says the new law will be good for ryland economy. he and the lieutenant governor praised the reform bill calling it a liberating piece of legislation. >> i know having analyzed it with people that it will help our bottom line as a state. we are already wasting a lot of money that we will no longer have to waste in spend because we will have a system that covers a lot of the uncompensated care that we are currently paying for. >> there is still a lot of work yet to do. states will be the drivers in what reform really looks like. states will implement the federal standard and regulations
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which will require legislation. we look forward to working with others and it will require regulatory and administrative work. >> state officials expect a large part of the savings to come from the fact that emergency rooms will not be a primary care facility for those that are uninsured. >> with the divorce rates climbing, many wonder if there is a formula for a happy marriage. a group in switzerland says yes, there is. >> the wife should be five years under and 27% smarter than her partner. the same cultural background. that is what switzerland researchers say is the key to a happy marriage. it gives couples a 20% greater chance of having a happy marriage. that brings us to our watercooler question of the day. for a happy marriage? email us your response to >> i have heard the same, when
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mother is happy, everybody is happy. coming up, the financial news in the bloomberg business report. >> and a pilot is in distress and a california highway becomes the help. >> details as recover the nation on a drug arrest. >> we are waking up to smooth jazz this morning. find out how this can help critically ill children. stay tuned. >> the thick of a new report of an accident in the city.
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>> a very good morning to you. another nice day with showers heading into the forecast today and tomorrow. we are waking up to the smooth
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sounds of jazz. we at the grand masonic lodge in hunt valley. they are performing at the 10th annual gala here on saturday. their mission is to enhance the children. they have been doing so in a huge wave. they have serviced 265 families. they have been doing it for 10 years. of the year. >> we reach out to critically ill children and their family members to provide unique customized fun activities when the families need it most. >> they have they get away to hershey park. >> we go to the orioles game and get a hot dog. >> this is your main a fund raiser. you have one item from a silent auction. >> we have a michael or signed photo.
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>> if you of looking for something to do and a great cause, check it out saturday night. let's take a look at hd doppler this morning. it is active to ever west. by saturday night, things will be looking just fine for the annual gala. over to you. >> it is a wonderful organization. they have a lot of good people working for them. i highly recommend it. i think the weather will be just fine saturday. we do have some cloud cover. most of the activity is on the other side of the mountain. clouds will thicken up as it gets closer to us. temperatures are on the chilly side right now. you may want to take a late jacket with you -- light jacket
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with you. the forecast for today is mild with a mixture of sunshine and cloud. a chance of rain showers is expected this evening. a chance for rain after 6:00. a small craft advisory is in effect on the chesapeake bay. wave heights 1-3 feet. rain showers are likely to night. it will not be heavy rain but often our rain showers. low temperatures will drop back in the 42 d. -- 40's. a good chance for rain in the morning on friday. a chilly air mass behind us. temperatures will have a difficult time recovering. we may not get out of the 40
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petition in other places of fighting. -- in other places -- 40's in other places. sunshine on saturday. 54. sunday night, monday, and tuesday, a chance for often done rainshowers with high temperatures in the 50's. the 70 petition ever seven-day forecast for a while. -- 70's for our seven-day forecast for a while. >> an accident involving the mta bus in downtown baltimore. it is blocking the right lane. two lanes are getting by. if you want to take an alternate, it is auburn street.
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things are moving fine on the areas that are surrounding. here is a live look at the beltway. no delays to report. 83 north of the beltway, no problems. that is the latest. over to you. >> we are taking a look and some of our top stories this morning. california highways are known as a parking lot for cars not planes. a single engine aircraft was having trouble making it to the air poured. it had to land on a freeway. -- making it to the airport. it had to land on a freeway. no one was injured. and 142 kilos were seized of
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cocaine yesterday. it is worth $70 million. it was packed in a man's vehicle. there were weapons as well as cash. he is a notorious member of one of the dangerous gangs. a kansas high school student is almost a share in for his most likely to succeed award. he scored a perfect 36 on his testing. he is not just a bookworm. he participants in the band, student council, forensics debate, and other activities. >> he does not play football as well? in the consumer alert, the
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postal service is closer to ending saturday mail delivery. the plan would limit mail delivery to weekdays only. it is expected to lose up to $7 billion this year. the saturday delivery removal will acquire the approval of congress. mortgages where owners of more on their home than what the home is worth. there is a program to permanently modify sub-prime amblin payment loans. homeowners must go a certain percentage of the home's value and be behind on mortgage payments of a certain amount. bank of america would forgive up to 30% of their loan. a measure in the health care
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reform bill may cause patients to see big store -- savings. that and more in the bloomberg business report. >> there is some attention being given to the health care reform bill. there is a 43 page measure creating a new institute to study which drugs are effective on americans. it may change the decisions of doctors that are sometimes influenced by marketing. generic drugs could work as well as brand drugs. the house will have to vote again to changes of the overhaul bill. it involves education related provisions not related to health care. as for trading, stocks fell yesterday.
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the bluebird maryland index closed lower. choice hotels, shares dropped yesterday. marriott international also fell yesterday. they have been upgraded at jpmorgan. $36 a share. that is bloomberg news, i am reporting for wbal-tv. >> a harford county family does not want to get rid of a dog they left. -- love. the board says keeping them is breaking the rules. >> this had a job to do. he was providing emotional support as the mother was dealing with terminal cancer. the doctor says the dog was her last wish. >> he was very attached to her. he made her forget about the
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cancer. he made her feel better. >> now that she is gone, a board wants the dog out. >> i cannot believe they can be this hard with a lack of understanding and compassion. >> tonight at 11, the reason they say the dog must go. and why the family thinks the board should make an exception. >> another check on weather and traffic straight ahead. >> dennis hopper is unable to make an appearance in divorce court. find out why he was unable to make it. >> what do you think is the formula for a happy marriage? email us your response to >> here is a look at the winning lottery numbers from last night. the luck.
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>> we are getting the latest on traffic. paul it is not combat for your commute. -- it is not looking bad for your commute. lombard street is your alternate if you want to take that instead of dealing with the mta incident downtown.
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95 northbound to 100 up to the beltway, six minutes. eight minutes of the fort mchenry told plaza to the beltway. here is a live look outside on the west side. things are picking up a bit in volume, but no delays to report. 95 at 32, no delays. that is the latest on traffic. >> the weather is nice and quiet on this thursd. partly cloudy skies and a little chilly right now. 37 in frederick. it should warm up pretty it should warm up pretty quickly. clouds will be thickening up. we will check the seven-day forecast in a few minutes.
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over to the news desk. >> sources close to dennis haopper said his health may be fading fast. he disposed to appear in court for a divorce proceeding, but his prostate cancer prevented him from doing so. he said he was battling inoperable cancer wrote late last year. hollywood is mourning the loss of another actor who made his mark in the 1950's. this actor died suddenly yesterday after falling and hitting his head while walking outside of his los angeles home. he was 79 years old. he along with bill custody broke the color barrier of four --
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bill cosby broke the color barrier by starring in "i spy"a draw . >> -- a trauma. -- drama. >> lawmakers are facing threats on capitol hill. what is behind them, coming up. >> their mission is to enhance the lives of critically ill children. a live report
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>> good morning. welcome back to 11 is today. >> thanks for joining us. we have a quick look at the forecast. >> it should be a dry thursday morning commute. we are starting out in the low 40's. we should one of in the 60's by the sudden. -- by this afternoon. we have a good chance of rain
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this evening and tomorrow. over to the news desk. >> city residents and leaders are crying foul over the mayor's>> deep cuts are coming. no agency is being spared. the city is wrestling with a multimillion dollar shortfall. how does the mayor feels about the options of the table right now? >> she is not happy about it. that is good news for people that feel like their jobs. be taken away. this proposal. it is a plan she does not ke. she plans to present a new one>> this is the biggest budget reduction in 19 years. >> the plan presented calls for a across-the-board cuts. layoffs of more than 600 employees. department. 91 to the fire department. seventh city fire houses will close. in 29 of the recreation centers will also close.
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the marine unit and helicopter unit is also effective. >> this is unacceptable. >> there is no money for things like fireworks on the fourth of july where the annual preakness parade, animal control would also suffer. >> animal control is being hit 11%. will we be able to pick up the dead carcasses of animals in the street? >> in the proposal will be made in three weeks to have new ways to raise revenue. they are thinking about a slot machine bill that could raise millions of dollars and a possible parking tax increase. >> i will not support an increase in parking taxes. >> officials say a likely target for revenue sources are city hospitals and universities because they are exempt from the city property tax. wbal-tv.
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>> the state school superintendent has wait five days for 12 of the state 24 districts. it includes bald or city, anne arundel county, prince george's county, st. mary's county. baltimore county has requested only one day be waived. six other districts have received waivers for 3 or four days. president obama is gearing up to take health care on the road once again. this time it is to promote the new law. there are concerns over death threats made for bill'schanges to the law have hit a snag in congress. our washington bureau reporter has the details. overnight session to continue work on a fix it bill that has a few glitches. >> the senate now stands adjourned.
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>> it is calling quit earlier this morning. it was striking down a series of amendments, a setback for the fix it measure. some provisions violated rules. it has to go back to the house for a vote. that is something the democrats hoped to avoid. >> we appreciate everyone's cooperation. >> the president is pressing for after signing an executive order to ensuring that baffled dollars abortion. -- federal dollars will not be used for an abortion. >> he continues to talk about the many aspects of the law that will do precisely what he said were intended to do. >> some protesters were there. others are taking their frustrations out against lawmakers. >> someone threw a brick through the office. >> house leaders met with
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capitol police and the fbi to investigate. richter>> average democracy is about debate but not violence. >> at least 10 incidents have been reported against house democrats. protection. authorities are being warned to remain vigilant. wbal-tv. fix -- >> we are seeing the personalism the morning. the mta bus crashed at fayette. some lanes are getting by there. the lombard beshore alternate. some hot spots in the city. things a mostly up to speed. there is a sluggish july on 95 down towards the gulf war. it is a little slower than
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normal. . we will keep our eye on that spot for you. some delays on the out to live. 95 at 32, it is picking up but no official delays to -- no official delays to report. that is the latest. now let's check with sandra. >> we are in hunt valley at the grand been sonic lodge. this is the venue for their annual fund-raiser. what will we have going on at this gala? >> there is going to be a live band, lots of dancing, a silent auction. we have entered of national artist items -- we have
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international artist items. >> it is something to look forward to for these critically ill children. let's take the look at your seven-day forecast. you may need is the umbrella tonight and tomorrow morning, but things will clear out by tomorrow afternoon. things look great on saturday even though it will be cooler. that is is for now. over to you. >> thanks. it is 6:35. coming up, in thailand, the game is not the super bowl but what you see here. elephant pol
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>> a town in california looked like the wild wild west. almost a dozen horses got loose from a richer. they went through an olympic training center in chula vista. some horses had a different idea. they headed through a parking lot and into a basin. they were family -- finally corralled later. >> this is a very bizarre polo match. it is the annual world elephant polo tournament in thailand. officials say it is safer than
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regular paulo. the pace of the game is slower than regular paulolo. it benefits elephant welfare causes. >> he would have to have a big letter to get up there. [laughter] coming up, a look at the morning headlines. >> a live look outside coming up. >> the weather is nice and quiet. some range of the forecast. we will show you that in a few minutes. a few clouds on the horizon.
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>> welcome back to 11 news
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today. it could be another week before light rail service is restored after the crash on tuesday with a tractor-trailer. there are working to support into which supports the overhead track lines. it could take several days before those repairs are complete. charges could be pending against the driver of the tractor-trailer that crossed the tracks right into the path of the train. >> the house of delegates will the -- determine the fate of hand phones while driving. many voted to ban the devices. it would not apply to emergency circumstances. devices. it could be a secondary offense if they were pulled over for a traffic violation which is primary. there is pending legislation banning watching tv while>> with the divorce rates climbing, many wonder if therea group in switzerland says yes, there is. >> the wife should be five years under and 27% smarter than her
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partner. the same cultural background. that is what switzerland researchers say is the key to a happy marriage. it gives couples a 20% greater chance of having a happy marriage. that brings us to our watercooler question of the day. what do you think is the formula for a happy marriage? >> one person says, multiple stressors could shake the foundation of a relationship. the secret is that love is not enough. >> it is a conscious effort to work at the relationship from both partners. they must have communication and not put your own needs above everyone else. those are the keys to having a successful marriage. >> another person says the secret is to follow the stork story. the has been goes away in august and returns in march.
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>> another person says these two phrases have worked for me for the past 35 years. yeese two phrases have worked for me for the past 35 years. yes, dear and looks great. will post all of the interest on the front page of our website. >> i agree with those phrases. as far as traffic is concerned, some delays around the area. some incidents to talk about. an mta bus crash is balking a lane. lombard fisher alternate. -- is it your alternate. -- is it your alterna your alte.
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some brake lights on the outer loop from liberty road back to security boulevard. they are holding traffic in the harbor tunnel because of a disabled vehicle. you may want to avoid that. we will keep an eye out on that. that is the latest on traffic. over to you, sandra. >> we are at the grand masonic lodge in hunt valley. it is the venue for the 10th annual gala. kasey cares is a local organization founded 10 years ago that helped critically ill children and their families. this a jazz band will be performing saturday during the gala. you can still get tickets. this was your idea that she started 10 years ago. why did you start it? >> it is important to provide
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activities for critically ill children. it is not just once a month but andon an ongoing basis. we need this fund raiser and everyone to come up for it to continue to provide these services for critically ill children. >> thanks. let's take the look at your weather. if you are planning on attending saturday night, things of looking good. you may need an umbrella tonight and tomorrow. that is it for now. over to you. >> i encourage everybody to participate. it is a great cause. things will start to head downhill. some cloud cover but no precipitation. the rain will catch up like
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sandra showed you. for now, some high clouds. the atmosphere is changing. it is an indication of that. 37 in frederick. 42 at the airport. you may want to take a light jacket with the. it should warm up quickly. we should make it up to 64 degrees this afternoon. increase in clouds. by this evening, a chance for rain coming in. it should stay dry up until that time. a small craft advisory is in effect. showers are likely tonight. temperatures should drop in the 40's. a chance for rain friday morning. things should clear up friday
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afternoon. a chilly air mass is behind it. and temperatures will have a difficult time moving during the day friday. the sunshine will come out. we will still struggle to get out of the 40 to the. a good chance for rain in the morning. by the evening hours, it should clear up. a high near 54 degrees. most of the day will be tried today. sunday, monday, and tuesday, often done rain showers will be with us again. sunshine on wednesday. back over to you guys. >> time for a last look of our story this morning. budget cuts. jennifer franciotti joins us with that story.
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>> a big load of cuts are expected. more than 600 layoffs in this budget proposal included more than 100 within the baltimore city police department. not just employees, but the elimination of departments such as the swat and marine units. seven firehouses would close under the plan. the mayor says there is no money for fireworks for the fourth of july or a preakness parade and bulk trash collection in fixing street lights. the mayor does not like this new budget. she will present a new one in three weeks along with some revenue generating plants for baltimore city. reporting live, wbal tv 11 news. >> thanks. coming up later today on oprah, a multibillion-dollar industry. a report on why millions of women are using pornography and erotica.
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and an interview with one of the most famous porn stars. here is a look at what is coming up next on the today show. >> senate republicans vowed colleges to the fix it bill. they will report it back to the house. -- found glitches in the fix it bill. they will report it back to the house. an incredible story of endurance. a young girl is doing very well even though doctors had to remove half of her brain. that is when we get started on a thursday morning right here on "today." >> a look at weather and traffic before you start out your day.
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d >> one problem. here is a live look. the disabled vehicle the they cleaned up really quickly. traffic is moving again. a tap of the breaks may occur. we are looking okay. the west side of the beltway is a different story. a lot of bright lights from 795 to 70. pearl street, the mta bus crash. one lane is still blocked. the alternate is lombard.
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we are looking okay on the major roadways. the little delay toward the build-95. -- beltway from a 95. >> most of the day will be dry. the clouds are thickening. it will rain later. a high of 64 degrees. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> good buy. >> one man was an ever-present
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figure in baltimore. he was known by friends and admirers. he spent his life dedicated to maryland thoroughbred racing before his death. in 2001 had performed every conceivable racing towachore. he came from a horse racing family. his grandfather traded kentucky derby winner. his father was a kentucky jockey. he spent his later years as a racing analyst for wbal el radio. -- radio. he promoted the preakness. he put hundreds of balloons over the derby parade. he brought national recognition to the race he loves.
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attendance rose to 100,000 fans celebrating the right of spring. the maryland jockey club planned a number of events in his honor. his ashes will be spread making the place he called home for so many years the permanent resting place of mr. preakness. . .
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how about over here? n-- let's go back to the left. waffling is back at dunkin' donuts. for a short time only, enjoy the return of the delicious oven-toasted waffle breakfast sandwich. america runs on dunkin'. host: could switching to geico 15% or more on car insurance? host: does charlie daniels play a mean fiddle? ♪ fiddle music charlie:hat's how you do it son. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.


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